Weight gain🙎🏼

Samantha • Mama of a 3 little girls ❤️
So before I got pregnant I was addicted to the gym and went 5-6 days out of the week. I'm now 22+2 and haven't gone in almost 4 months.... everyday I tell myself I'm going to go but I don't... I'm really struggling with getting back to it. I know I can't go as hard as I was but any sort of exercise Is better than 0. I weighed myself today and was extremely shocked by the scale... pre pregnancy I was 125 and now I'm 139... I'm 5'4 btw. I know you're supposed to gain weight but I can't help but think it's because I've stopped going to the gym regularly. Is anyone else going through anything similar?? None of my friends/family understand what I'm going through and constantly tell me they can't tell I've gained any weight but the scale is something that has always weighed heavily on me😭 I feel like I'm gaining weight faster these last 4 weeks than I did the first 18. I'm just scared I'm not going to be able to lose the weight after baby comes out.