Can I just rant/cry?

I'm an adult. You may not believe that after you listen to me cry for the next few minutes. But I am. I'm in my 20s. Hahaha.

So, let me begin my story here.

I'm planning my wedding with my fiance and we purposely started planning out wedding before we announced our engagement because my mother in law like to take charge of everything.

We have every detail of our wedding planned out. We have where we are buying every item, when that item is to be bought, and how much it costs. There's nothing not planned.

Well, she has now decided she is going to take charge. She went over my plans for the wedding and took it upon herself to begin buying stuff. Stuff she likes. Ugly stuff I don't like. She keeps buying and buying and buying. We keep saying we are buying everything and want to do it on our own. She refuses to listen. I should be grateful she wants to help..but what fun is buying for a wedding..if I can't even do the shopping?!?!?

Now, tonight she's decided to complain I didn't put one of my fiance nieces in the wedding. I put his sister and his one niece that I actually know in it. I didn't have to. I did it out of the kindness of my heart because I wanted to have my new family with me. I don't even know this other niece. I'm pretty sure I can have who I want in my wedding line up! I don't have to make his entire family a bridesmaid!

This is just awful.

I am not enjoying my engagement a bit. She is completely ruining it. Sucking every single bit of fun out of it.

Can anyone relate? Or am I just a big cry baby lol

*since everyone isn't calling me a big baby I'm gonna add this.

My mom hasn't been allowed to buy anything. The brides family traditionally pays for the wedding, well not in this case.. my mom knew the plans we had and knew we wanted to do our wedding on our own. But she had a small list of things she wanted to buy (my dress, the flowers--all the flowers including centerpieces, Shepard hooks, and something else I forgot haha) well I explained this to my mother in law and she took it upon herself today to buy my Shepard hooks and a gigantic bag of flowers. Things my mom personally wanted to buy. I am just upset. My mom deserves to have a part. His mom has bought everything from our plates to our table clothes. I told her she has to return the flowers but I'm keeping the Shepard hooks. I'm just upset and need a day of wine and relaxation lol