am I over reacting?

So.. long story short. My husband and I weren't able to do anything for Valentine's Day, and wasn't sure that we would be able to this weekend either. Tuesday he asked me what I wanted, I told him "nothing, let's save our money and go have a nice dinner this weekend if we're able." Thursday he mentions he "might just go get drunk this weekend", I didn't comment because I thought he was just being silly. Fast forward to this afternoon when he gets in from work - my mother in law agreed to watch the kids, so I told him "now we can go enjoy ourselves" he responds with "no I told you what I'm doing tonight"... he leaves... I'm currently texting him telling him how I feel.. and all he can say is "I told you what I was doing".. I'm honestly ready to just go out myself... literally.. I got my hair and makeup done and a hot ass outfit on.. but I refuse to leave my kids with my mother in law not knowing when(whoever) could get them.. Am I wrong? Am I overreacting? Or is he really being a jackass like I think?