Having mother in Delivery Room

I am not looking for someone to make a decision for me, just looking for some feedback on people who have, haven't, and their reasoning for it. This is my first child between my boyfriend and I, and part of me wants to have this moment for us, just us. I believe it would be a great start for us as a family but at the same time I know it would mean a lot to have my mother there. At the same time thinking about it makes me a bit uncomfortable, having my mother there and seeing me in that state. I know it would mean a lot to her and maybe when I got there it would be different, I just don't know how exactly I feel about this. *I should also add that when I talked to my boyfriend about this, he didn't really seem like he wanted her there but said he didn't care. He thinks that it's a 'I need my mommy' moment. Where I don't agree at all*