Olivia • Trust god and all things will fall into place..💙👶🏽💕❣️😍
So I wont write a long story about the situation, only the important things okay! Im 5 months pregnant, me and the child's father been together for 2 years. During the 2 years, whenever we would argue and I tried to leave, he would take my keys, glasses, anything that would make me stay. It would take me calling the police to get my stuff back... Now since I been pregnant, things seemed good, (as I thought), I allowed him to live with me(only about 3 weeks), and I come home and as soon as I come in, the house was digusting.. I asked him to please take the trash out, and he told me to shut up a couple of times, and I got angry, and went into the bedroom.. soon after he came in and snatch my phone, i stood up and tried to take my phone back, AND AGAIN IM 5 MONTHS PREGNANT! And once i got my phone back he pinned me down and i started to bite him off me and tried to kick him in his penis, and once i got up, he put me in a chokehold from behind,, and i started to hyperventaliate (spelled wrong).. and I told him Im calling the police, and he then takes my car keys and house keys and runs off.. the police comes, and he gets arrested for aggravated assault with significant bodily injury, and therft, and he has a court order not to contact me... i told his family that Im pressing charges, because this isnt the 1st time he hit or the 2nd, and i got to protect myself. The next day once he got released, he was calling me from a unknown number harasing me about he wants his rent money back and the grocery money back, and im like no! Because we shared the groceries and I already paid the rent, if you didnt hit me you would still be here!  My question is was i wrong for calling the police and taking it there? Because my attorny said he could get 3 years, and I told her once I have the baby, I want sole custody, because he is physically abusive, he sends me sucidial pictures when i want to leave, and Im tired of dealing with his bullshit. PLEASE I NEED ADVICE!