Husband is a jerk

My husband is so entitled I hate it! Hasn't done anything around the house in a month. He doesn't even eat what I cook anymore, wtf. I just don't know what's going on. He gets mad when I ask him for help with our son. I know he works long hours so I don't ask him for help during the week but something on his days off would be nice. I have to clean and take care of our son on my days off. Last Sunday he had his mom take our son so he could sleep and then had the nerve to ask me to help clean the house when I got off work. So he slept all day and thought it was okay to have me clean the house after I've been at work all day. I feel like that was my breaking point. I feel like a single mom so why don't I just leave. Even now he's sleeping in I don't remember the last time he let me sleep in, my frustration is making me resent him and he doesn't see anything wrong with it.