Has anyone gained weight while on celexa, but lost it after stopping?

I am at wits end. I am about to start starving myself. I have seen a nutritionist, personal trainer, as well as I am a fitness guru with a bachelor's in exercise science. I have been exercising and keeping fit with no issues until now.

Tried HIIT training, weight lifting, at least 60 minutes of cardio. I track all my food with fitness pal and weigh my food with a scale. I am down to 1200 calls a day. Exercising 5x a week.

I went through this while on Prozac. Couldn't lose weight even while in military boot camp where my food was limited and we exercised daily. I ate 1000 cals a day. Still no weight loss during weigh ins. I only lost weight after 6 to 9 months of being off the drug, with no change in diet or exercise.

I don't know why my stupid ass tried another drug. I should have learned my lesson the 1st time.

Now on celexa I am just furious. I am about to go down to 500 calls a day out of desperation. I need to know this will ware off. I can't be fat forever.

As big as I am....which is obese, it doesn't make sense why I can't shed even an ounce with all the work I put in.

Anybody gain weight and sucessfully lose it? I need to know there is hope so I can keep going. I am too the point that I want to starve the fat off.

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