Period Rant

Erin • Skyla IUD . Happily with my Army Man
Ok so I'm a little ranty thanks to my period. I just recently stopped birth control pills and got a non hormonal IUD so my period mood is the most whacked it's ever been. But aside, I have a really weird paranoia. Whenever my boyf and I get into a mini argument and I decided to take a few days to myself I feel like a really annoying gf. Because this happens often and I just feel bad for letting my emotions get the best of me. I also always have this weird thought that he's gunna leave me for someone else because I'm such a "handful" (even though I know I'm not from what he tells me). But I just feel like this huge burden sometimes. I always feel like I can be better for him and improve myself but I always slip into a moody attitude. I know if he really loves me this isn't that big of a deal and I'm sure to him it's not at all but I get so wrapped up in my own thoughts and ugh. I dunno, I just have a lot going on in my head and I need to get it all down somewhere.