Could I end up Pregnant?


Please no rude or judgemental comments. I am honestly just on here asking opinions because I honestly do not know the answer.

I am 3 weeks Postpartum from having my daughter. I was constantly telling my SO that we weren't going to have sex until I was cleared by my OB. But last night we got caught up in the moment and ended up having sex with no protection. He pulled out and he is 100% positive he didn't get any cum inside of me because he finished with his hand. But I know that there is always precum. Now yes, I know that there is usually little to no sperm in precum, but when I was reading online it said that if he had ejaculated within the last 24 hours, (which he had) there could be a chance of there being sperm in his precum. I know that you are 10x more fertile after having a baby, so this is why I am asking. I honestly just need opinions and/or reassuring comments that I won't end up pregnant again right now. Also, I am exclusively breastfeeding if that matters at all.