wish I was at home in bed

On Friday, the electricity went out at work because there was a storm going on. That meant I had to work today instead of taking the holiday off so I could finish what I didn't get a chance to do Friday. My boss gave me the choice of whether I wanted to come in or not, but I knew if I took the day off I would have more interruptions that delay me from finishing what I couldn't do Friday and I would have extra work that I do on Tuesdays. So I'm at work, but now I wish I stayed home. About 4 am, I woke up feeling like I was going to throw up and had bad diarrhea (sorry, tmi). It took me a little while to go back to sleep because I felt so sick. Also I couldn't get my mind off my ex. I've posted about him before. He sent me another message on Friday. I didn't reply back. His messages are usually a month and a few days apart. When it's almost a month I find myself waiting for them. Then when it comes I have a panic attack. I don't know to do about him. I'm still feeling a little sick but not as bad as this morning. I wish I could just sleep the day away. I guess I just really needed to vent right now.