Well, my little guy just decided it was time to come early I guess

Kimberlie • 27, happily married, brand new mommy!
Well, my little guy just decided it was time to come early I guess. I had a perfectly normal pregnancy. Everything was going as planned, I woke up around 5:40 am on the 14th feeling a sudden rush of water. My water broke. Knowing I was only about 35 weeks this was terrifying. By 6:00 am I had been admitted to the hospital. It was verified that my water did break & I was dilated about the size of a thimble. They checked the babies position, & seeing he was breech combined with how early he was coming, a c section was decided upon. Everything happened so fast. I was so scared. Thank God my husband was by my side. By 10:57am my Solomon was here. Unfortunately he was having episodes of apnea so he was flown to a NICU about an hour away. The 2 days after my surgery were the worst. I could not see my little boy. & due to the c section I hadn't gotten to hold him yet. I was finally discharged & made it to him. I haven't left him since! 2 days later we were on our way home with a healthy little boy! Tomorrow he will be 1 week old! I would never wish what we've gone through on anyone, but I'm so glad to look at this little human & love on him!