first IuI

Hello all, this is my first post and am new to the community. I am 34 and my husband and I have been TTC for 5 years now with no luck and have done all our blood tests, Hshc, semen analysis, ultrasounds and etc and everything is normal. My Dr, said that we are both healthy and have fallen under the unexplained infertility. After being on clomid for 6 months 50 mg still no success and have been advised to start <a href="">IUI</a>. 
I am new to this and am starting to loose hope and strength to fight on but I am still positive and hopefull that it will happen one day. 
My dr had made a referral however I have been told that I would have to wait 1-2 cycles to get the procedure done which is really hard as I though I would be able to get the procedure done this cycle. I should have AF visit any day now and am expecting to Ovulate around march 6-8. Any help advice or reccomedation regarding the process would be great. Also if any of you know of any clinics that would do the procedure on a short notice. I live in San Francisco and if any of you know or recommend any clinics would be great.