help! I got an ultrasound for a cyst yesterday and THINK I see something else as well!

Cheyenne • Chey💋👑
Okay so I know when I post this picture I have TWO ovarian cysts (circled in red) BUT do you see the green? Freaking out and no I haven't tested yet cause I don't get my period for another 6 days and my fiancé might murder me if I spend more money on tests. 
EDIT: it's okay to say you don't see something lol I'm just curious! And she kept persistently asking about my period which is why I'm asking! 
UPDATE: either really good news or really bad news 😔 my uterus is very very thick so I COULD be pregnant (sending me for asap blood work) or I have beginning signs of cancer (which runs in my family and I've had abnormal scans before) literally PRAYING for a baby! I'm going for blood work and will know by tomorrow, I will keep you all updated! 
Update: I'm just waiting for blood work to come back, she will call my Monday morning. If not today 
Update: welllll ladies, no baby. So I'm getting a biospy done tomorrow. 😞😔