When is it time to call it a day????


Hi everyone, I'm having a tough week, the 16th Feb would of been my babys due date except I lost the baby through a mmc it was two years ago and although generally I feel I've come to terms with it and moved on this time of year is always difficult..

I just feel in limbo land, my beautiful daughter is 6 and I have been trying to give her a sibling for 3 years and apart from the mc nothing has happened. I didn't want a huge age gap and my husband is 44 I'm 32 and I don't feel it's fair for him to be much older (although he disagrees)

I guess I feel the need to make a choice but don't know what to do!!

Do I be thankful for the one wonderful child I have and not be greedy? Or do I pursue ttc? It's doing my head in.

I'm meeting with my consultant on a month to get signed off as there is nothing more they can do for me - there is nothing medically wrong with either of us.

Should I look into <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>?

Sorry for the long post I just needed to get it off my chest. Xxx