She is so perfect!! 😍😍 born at 35 weeks and 1 day!!!

*Sorry this might be a little long!!!***
 February 15 my wife went to a doctors appointment and her blood pressure was extremely high so they sent her to the hospital to be monitored. Her pressure would not go down so they went ahead and admitted her at 34 weeks 4 days... On February 18th the doctor came in and said the baby's fluid was low and with my wife's pressure that they needed to go ahead and get baby girl out. The doctors discussed and determined it would be safer for my wife and baby if they went ahead and did a c-section a little scary but we agreed. So on February 18th at 1:55 our beautiful daughter was born weighing in at 5 pounds 10 ounces!!! We are so blessed she did not need any help and we get to bring miss Aryia home today!!!