I need help:'(



My boyfriend and I had a baby three months ago...


Why I am here is because he always wants sex...doesn't matter the time.. the day.. who is around..( mind you..I have a 6 yr old..) and if I don't give it.. he looks at images of naked women. I am beyond. . Upset... hurt... and just so frustrated... he will be 26 soon.. and I feel like he will never grow from his teen years.. he can't control himself... :'( looks at other girls.. doesn't matter. Shape.. size.. color.... he stares at their areas..

It was never this bad until I became 8 months pregnant...

He is laid off because of weather. And I hate it. Because he thinks we should just lay in bed all day and have sex.. or sleep... like. No. That is not how adult life works. . Before him and i got together in 2015.. he lived at home with mommy and daddy. And they are a handful themselves... so his desire to be a manly man is not there.. he thinks all life should consist of. Is sleeping.. eating... and SEX.... :'(

We are about to get our own place and I am just completely scared. Because he is not ready. He runs away when the water gets to deep... he hates hearing the truth.. he'll I can't say how I'm feeling without him getting mad..

His whole life.. every ex.. every girl he has spoke to... he runs when it gets to deep....

Will he ever grow up.. how can i make him open his eyes??


Ps. Right now.. instead of helping around the house.. or with our baby. He is sleeping..!!!!!! 😠😠😠😠😠😢😢😢😢😡😡😡😲😲😲