lost drive and inspiration

So I am ususally someone who is full of drive and constantly has goals that I am working towards. I am working a seasonal (but great!) job right now that will further my career. This job will end in the beginning of April. However, I don't know what my future looks like after this job ends. I recently failed two college classes so I am basically on a leave of absence from school until June. I have absolutely no want to go back. I'm not in that mindset at all. I've been trying to apply for jobs so that I am set by the time this one ends but I am not finding anything even remotely interesting. Also, to make matters worse I was two days late with my last period so of course I told myself I was pregnant. Usually this would make me cringe and cry but I was actually pretty happy about it. Of course I ended up getting my period but still telling myself there was a chance just because I was so excited. It gave me something to look forward to. I don't know. Basically what I am asking is what are some ways that I can get my inspiration and determination back??