25 and still no idea on career!

I feel so down! I'm on the verge of loosing my job and in the middle of a battle with my works as I am being treated very unfairly - bullied so to speak.

Since all this has started to happen it's made me realise this isn't me I don't want to do this type of job or life I don't want to jump from job to job not having a secure future for my child. I want the best in life for us both. I have no idea what to do I love children and always wanted to work with children but as a child I was sexually abused by my father, it all came out when I was 11 and I was taken out of school for my own safety and then from then on I was moved around and was never settled in a school so never did my exams so all I have is my maths and English I did at college but they aren't GCSEs they are just levels and that's not good enough to start a course I need to have certain grades I don't have :(

I feel like my life will never look up and that bad things will just continue to happen to me. I'm 25 and I need to be better for my child.

Please any uplifting stories.