Kicking Soda & Cigarettes.

Hi Lovelies 💞
I need some insight/advice, whatever you'd like to call it. 
My husband & I are TTC baby #1 and I am a smoker (pack a day or less, depends on my stress level lol) and I KNOW I need to quit and I am absolutely ready to! Conceiving & having a healthy baby are my top two priorities right now and I want to do whats best for my child before it is even created. I have also read that quitting smoking will increase fertility. My husband quit smoking cold turkey two years ago and while I commend him (and I am slightly jealous) for his will power and self discipline, that method just didn't work for me! I eat pretty healthy, it is just my smoking, soda drinking and activity level that Id like to change. Does anyone have any advice on how to kick cigarettes successfully without just going cold turkey? My problem with soda isn't so much that I need the caffeine, it is a taste thing. I love water but need something else as well and so I tend to drink quite a bit of Mtn. Dew. I am not a big juice person and so I don't know what the best or even just a healthier substitute would be. Thanks ladies!! 😘