Anyone else? Help!

katie • Pregnant through IVF after 4 years of infertility and 4 consecutive early losses. Mommy to Alaina (6) and Niko due 11/18 💓
I had a transvaginal ultrasound today at supposedly 6 weeks with my LMP. There was only a gestinational sack measuring 5 weeks 1 day. I know when I ovulated because I was using opk's. So using that as a calculation today I'd be 5 weeks 5 days. The doctor wants me to go back in 2 days for more blood work to make sure my levels are rising. I'm scared SHITLESS. Has this happened to anyone who went on to have a healthy pregnancy? Looking for encouraging stories only please... We're currently moving across the country and I'm under a good amount of stress so looking for some uplifting stories to get my head out of this negative and worrisome headspace.