my dr is trying to force therapy on me...

So I went in for my 6 week appt at 12 weeks (my appointment was delayed 3 times due to snow storms). I had brought up ppd because I've been severely depressed with my bf being deployed for 9 months, missing my whole pregnancy and our daughters while first year pretty much. She asked if I was suicidal/ felt I wanted to hurt myself and I was honest. I told her yes Ive felt that way and she asked me when I last felt that way.. I told her 1-2 weeks ago. This was about 3 weeks ago and she is nonstop blowing up my phone. All the drs and therapists keep calling me nonstop, my daughter is also back to a terrible sleeping scheduling, she has her days and nights switched again so I'm always sleeping when they call but I'm getting irritated. Plus I'm a sahm Doing it on my own while my bf is gone.. I don't have anyone to watch my daughter so I can go to therapy and I wouldn't be comfortable bringing her for the fact she is colic and teething. She's always fussy and I'm sure we wouldn't make any progress with her being there, and all the places she wants me to go to are 30mins-1hour away. She didn't even give me the choice; she pretty much told me I have to go and keeps trying to get me appointments. Honestly, I'm not suicidal anymore, or having harmful thoughts anymore. I know if I call her back and tell her I'm uninterested she won't back down. What should I do? I really don't plan on going to therapy, I don't have the time and I just wan to be left alone because getting calls every day forcing appointments on me is giving me worse anxiety.