Natural Family Planning

Julia • NFP, Catholic, TTC - Teacher & Tutor, Married a Music Man 💕
My husband and I are Catholic and we were recently married in my home parish. As a part of the marriage prep process, we had to go through Pre-Cana and a Natural Family Planning class. Before we got married, we agreed NFP was what we wanted to do. The class we took was for the Billings-Ovulation Method. I honestly have not kept up with my charting and have really primarily using this app. We are the first out of our friends to get married and don't really know anyone else using NFP that we are close to. I am just looking for others also using various methods of NFP, how you feel about it, how you track your cycle, and how effective you think it is. Looking for tips, ideas, and just some encouragement. Let's talk! 😊