
So ill share my birth story with yall :)

So it was a rough 9 months for meee lol but thank GOD i made it through .. so my doc dropped me at 38 weeks just because i wanted to do a VBAC so i was very hopeless because NOOO doctor wanted to see me because i was too far along me and my SO was sooo lost soo worried didnt know anything smh soo i decided to clear my head and go to the beach with my lil family at this time i was 40 and 2 .. so while at the beach all of A SUDDEN i started to pee but right after i peed i starting leaking something clear NOT KNOWING WHAT IT WAS IM LIKE OKAY MAYBE ITS COOL sooo leave the beach as im walking it keeeps flowing down my leg im like wtf so okay get in the car go to the washerteria to hurry and put my kids clothes to wash when i get up IM STILLL LEAKING so im like again WTF going on im scared soo went home toom a shower and got out laid down all of a sudden CONTRACTIONS woooowwwww HURTS LIKE HELLL soo i told my SO to call the ambulance so i can be monitored and make it faster than i my car soo i get to the hospital in ALOT of pain omg worse pain in my ENTIRE LIFE soo im screaming for an epidural they said i had to WAIT for a nurse to come in and send my lab work upstairs to get my epidural soo im like HOW LONG WILL THAT TAKE she said 45 MIN TO A HR WHATTTTTTTT???!!!!! i cant take the pain at this moment omg soo they check my cervix I WAS DILATED 6 cm sooo they roll me into the operating room had to explain that since i had a c section then vaginal and another vaginal it can be risky soo okay (skipping the talking and paperwork) the nurse screamed for the doc to come back in so when she came in she checked me again I WAS DILATED 8CM wooooooow they started suiting up im like so will i get the epidural she said NO ITS TOO LATE im like WHATTT OMGGGGGG so basically at this point im like F IT LETS DO THIS so they told me to start pushing with my contractions soo i did all of a sudden my nose started bleeding ALOT and im swallowing blood omg SCARY so i tried to ignore it as they wiped i did as told and GAVE A BIGGGGGG PUSSSSSSHHHH all of a sudden my angel was bornnnn FEBRUARY 20th, JOSIAH LAMAR WAS FINALLY HERE AFTER 40 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS yayyyyyyy !!! ANOTHER VBACK WITH NO EPIDURAL I WAS SOOO PROUD OF MYSELF !! buttttt my SO OTHER STILL HURT CAUSE I HAD TO DO IT ALONE BUT HEY HE HAD TO TEND TO THE OTHER KIDS SOO NO WORRIES LOL but never let someone say you cant and give your hopes up ITS OUR KIDS AND OF COURSE WE LOVE THEM !!!! just thought ill share :)