cervical cancer

Hey guys. I'm super anxious about my health and I've been having some symptoms lately that have got me worried. I'm not sure if they're PMS or cervical cancer symptoms I had myHPV vaccines. I've been having bloating for the past few days, yesterday I had cramps and backache and today me and my SO had morning Sex as soon as we woke up and I went to the toilet after and I was bleeding. Is this just because it's a period as I was having cramping yesterday or? I'm very very worried when it comes to my health I have hypochondria , so am I just over reacting? I did go to the doctors  yesterday about some pain I was having in my side and she said it was a stomach infection. I'm just very freaked out when it comes to symptoms that match up with cancer , and I'm just skeptical if this is just a period or what. I'm on the implant so my periods are irregular anyway. 
Btw: I'm only 18 therefore don't qualify for a smear test in the UK until I'm 25. They literally refuse you.