Crippling social anxiety😖

My social anxiety is very extreme, I've basically had it forever! When I was younger I remember being super shy and hating family members to visit, or speaking/raising my hand in class, when I was younger like 5-7 it was definitely way less extreme and easily to deal with but around 3rd or 4th grade it become worse, and even worse in 6th grade. 
• (To add: I also moved around a ton throughout these years which I feel was a huge contributor to my social anxiety. I remember being confident and outgoing towards the end of the year, I had friends and was talkative, but then we moved again and that's right when it got worse) Now I'm 15 in 9th grade and I'm miserable! I can't do anything anymore, I feel like I can't even act myself in my own house! (I feel kind of lost with 'who I am'..I guess I know who I am but I don't want to admit it, I'm embarrassed and ashamed of myself..😓) I'm sick of living like this, is it going to last forever!?😰 Therapy doesn't seem like it would help, that's one of the scenarios that I hate (A one on one conversation). Anyway I'm wondering if anyone else deals with this and if you have any tips that might help. When I'm in an anxious situation is there anything that I can do to calm myself down, or any exercises in general I can do to help get rid of this crippling anxiety. ALSO I feel something that comes hand in hand with my anxiety is my insecurity/lack of confidence etc. I dislike everything about myself strongly! My personality, the way I look, sound, walk etc, the way I behave (I'm quite a procrastinator, I'm always late etc.) There's a lot more I can say but I don't want to make this too long.😁 
Sorry for the long post, I appreciate anyone who reads, thanks.😌