what would you do?

My son is 3 weeks old. I have been exclusively pumping and supplementing with formula since day 2 when he was admitted into the children's hospital for dehydration. Since the start I have made very little milk. I am taking Supplements to help with my supply (brewer's yeast, Fenugreek, and Goat's Rue - all 3 are 3 pills, 4x's a day). I'm also eating lots of oatmeal, drinking over 100 ounces of water and a couple glasses of Mother's Milk tea and Gatorade. I have tried power pumping, and pumping 10-12 times each day. I feel like I am trying everything to get my supply up. While my supply has increased, I still only produce about 12-15 ounces a day. It's getting harder to pump now that my little guy is more wiggly and likes to be held while I'm pumping. I have committed to one month telling myself a little breast milk is better than nothing. 

I'm looking for opinions... Would you continue pumping, taking 34 (total for the day) supplements only to get 12-15 ounces? Or would you survive the month and switch to all formula?