Weight advice for anyone who wants it.

I've seen a lot of ladies ask for advice on losing weight. Well may I start off this post by saying you're perfect no matter what weight you are or whatever kind of body shape you have. You are beautiful.  However, there is a healthy weight and a weight that not might be so healthy for you. Two years ago I was 145 pounds and I was about 5'5. I'm now 5'7 and 118 pounds. Now I did lose that weight and this is how I did it. I started listening to good pop music loudly in my ear, wearing good headphones. And you know when all you can hear is good you music you can't help but dance? Well that's what happened to me. I have a bigger type room so I had space to dance so I would lock my room door everyday, put good music in my ear and dance all day long. There was no limit as to how much I danced, I could go dancing all night all day and I simply enjoyed it and I was doing my body a favor. I realized I was going down on the scale. There was not a day that passed that I wouldn't dance my heart out. I never let anyone see me dance either, I would do it for myself and I didn't care what I looked like while I was dancing. I would even wake up at 9am and dance. Well I started taking more shits and huge ones (sorry TMI) and I realized that was helping me lose weight. I wondered, oh.. how was I suddenly shitting 3 times a day big ones without even having a meal yet. My doctor told me dancing helped my metabolism increase and to keep it up. So I wanted to share this for anyone who wants to try it, you don't have to lift weights or starve yourself. Only put on any music you love, close your door, and dance your heart away. It also helped me build calf muscles!