Nervous about more miscarriages

b r i t t a n y • Mum to Grace Ophelia Crazy Plant Lazy 🪴
I've been pregnant 3 times.
My first pregnancy took 3 months to conceive and it was full term and uneventful.
My second pregnancy was an accident and was also full term and uneventful.
My third pregnancy took 1 month to conceive but it ended with a D&C at 11 weeks as our baby had no heartbeat (my D&C was yesterday, I'm still very much grieving).
I know that logically, 1 in 4 women will miscarry but... I'm terrified. We've been given the all clear to TTC when the bleeding stops and I feel ready to start. And we want to start as soon as possible. I'm just so, so afraid now. Miscarrying our baby was/is the hardest thing I've ever been through.
I need... to hear positive stories about rainbow babies. Please. I need reassurance. I feel like because of this that I now am like, destined to lose all my future babies and have to keep repeating this pain forever... (highly illogical, I just can't stop thinking about it)...