just be the bigger person 😬

I don't know if I should go to BM and ask her what has been going on at her house . So ever since I got pregnant my SO son has been the rudest little creature to me . I've tried everything with this child and nothing works like I don't understand at one point he respected me listened to me and was overall just a decent kid and now he is just so rude and mean . I'm not sure if his mother is or was telling him anything . Because all he seems to listen and care about is his mommy and daddy . I've just really been wanting to get to he bottom of it all but I'm not good at approaching and I know she doesn't like me at all. For example he will roll his eyes at me or tell something along the lines of my dad told me I can do this or like tonight I told him please take your toys to your room it's night night time and his response was no my dads going to tuck me in .