Listen to your bodies, ladies!!!

My heart rate in pregnancy had been up in the 90s from the beginning until about week 20. Then, it shifted and started being about 105-110. And I would feel it pounding in my chest and I was just exhausted. At my 20wk appt (which was actually at 21+6) she said that was still an acceptable range and to just make sure it wasn't getting above 140. 
I thought it was weird that it would just shift suddenly but I have a tiny little belly now so thought maybe my body was just doing more work.
The next day, at 7:15, (Tuesday, Feb 21st) I noticed my back was hurting. It wasn't excruciating but it felt like I pulled a muscle or had just been sitting wrong or something. I put an ice pack on it that night and went to sleep.
When I woke up, I still felt terrible. And now I was slightly nauseous and fatigued. I still take daily nausea meds for my hyperemesis so I was extremely confused as to why I would be nauseous. My back pain got worse and worse throughout the day and ironically I got an email from one of the baby websites saying "tell your doctor about any persistent back pain."
I freaked out and thought I might be having preterm back labor lol. So I emailed my doctor (which she usually responds in 24-48 hours) and she responded in an hour saying, try bengay and ice packs tonight. If it's not better, I want you to come in tomorrow for an evaluation. So then I was really stressed.
When I woke up, surprise, I felt like a truck hit me. I had barely slept all night anyway. I was freezing, I was burning up, my back ached so badly, I cried all night basically. Then, I took my temperature - 102. I called my doctors nurse to ask her when I should come in and she didn't call me back. 😡 after thirty minutes, I checked my temperature again - 104!!!! So I called the emergency hotline of my doctor and said "I am going to the ER right now because my temp is 104." They were shocked and like yes please go right now. And they wanted me to come to their hospital but it's an hour away from my house, I was having blurred vision, and neither my mom or Dad could be reached :( so I drove the two miles basically blind to the local ER. My mom finally did get my messages and was able to meet me up there. 
Turns out I have pyelonephritis. I went in to the ER at 9:00am on Thursday morning, and it's now Saturday at 2pm and I'm still here. They're saying now that there's a very small chance I may get out tomorrow so I'm hoping that happens. They've had me on cooling blankets, they've literally packed my bed with ice, maxed me out on Tylenol, anything they can do to keep my temp down for baby. Anyway, they said that my elevated temperature for the past week was almost certainly due to the pyelonephritis. So just because something is within normal standards for all pregnant women, doesn't mean it's normal for YOU. Make sure to be your own advocate when you go to your doctors office. I love my doctor and won't switch for this one honest mistake, but I will be more conscious about being vocal when something doesn't seem right to me.