My unexpected vbac story

I was scheduled for a repeated c-section on Feb. 21 but baby had other plans. On Feb. 17 at 1:30 a.m I started feeling light cramps I woke up my husband and told him we needed to go to the hospital just in case since I was having a c-section and I didn't want it to end up being an emergency c-section. By the time we got ready and checked into the hospital it was 3 a.m. When the RN checked me to everyone's surprise I was already 8 cm dialated and I didn't feel any pain except for the light cramping. My doctor came and told me she would suggest a vbac since I was so far along in labor. I went for it and by 5:30 a.m I was fully dialated. I pushed for 13 minutes and at 5:43 a.m my princess Valerie was born. She is just perfect 😍