time for a goodbye 💕

I am going to take a break from actively obsessing over temps and opks and pee and sore breasts and whatever else falls under the TTC category. Been TTC for 1.5 years with PCOS and endometriosis. Have done several rounds of clomid, etc. Not even a faint or questionable pregnancy test
But I have not given up hope. I believe my child will come at the right time, whether biologically or adoption. God hears us and knows our cries. 
So for now, will work on my weight, my health and my lifestyle. I will also focus on my gorgeous husband and two silly cats and just be grateful for this little family of mine. 
Lots of love, prayers and baby dust to you current mamas, expecting mamas, mamas who have lost and lovely women who want nothing more than to be mamas 🤰❤️😍😘😊👌🏽💕