I finally replied back

So my ex messaged me again on Friday. Of course I don't reply back. I haven't been replying back to his messages for months. So today I decided to ask why does he keep messaging me. He replies back with "I just want to know how your are. I don't hate you." I'm like WTF. I reply back with "but I don't matter to you. And I'm not the one who did anything wrong." He hasn't replied back since. From the time we broke up because he said he wasn't ready for a relationship to the time he told me he met someone, I only had one date and was just talk to a couple of other guys. He said he was fine if I saw other guys and that he wasn't going to look for anyone else. When he told me he met someone, we had a big fight and he accused me of being with every guy I came into contact with. So he wasn't really fine with me seeing other guys. He broke my heart so much and every day it feels like he keeps breaking my heart by being with someone else. He still has his dating profile up on Plenty of Fish and seems to be on it everyday. For the little while we were together he was barely on there and when he was he was just on long enough to look at my profile (I could tell because I paid for the upgrade). He's been with her for awhile and is constantly on there, part of the time still looking at my profile. I've tried moving on with someone else recently, but it didn't work out. I don't know what else to do.