TTC after a D&C

b r i t t a n y • Mum to Grace Ophelia Crazy Plant Lazy 🪴
I had a D&C on Thursday at 11 weeks. Our baby stopped growing at 9 weeks.
I had very little bleeding the day of and after. I'm only lightly spotting now. No pain, no cramps beyond m the day of the D&C. It's been a very easy recovery for me.
At the hospital they told me I was clear for sex once bleeding stopped and I felt physically okay to do so. I was also cleared to TTC after my first cycle though they mentioned people do get pregnant before their cycle returns. I do not have any follow up appointments. They told me to test in 3 weeks and if it's positive to come in for blood tests.
I'm waiting 10 - 14 days before we have set, just to be on the safe side. I'm okay with waiting a cycle before properly trying again but we don't use protection - I have no birth control ATM (I got my IUD out so we could try for a baby, obviously we lost our first baby) and my husband has terrible eczema so condoms and lubes irritate his skin. No lies here either, we just really don't like the way condoms feel.
I'm wondering though - has anyone here ever gotten pregnant after a D&C or miscarriage before their cycle returned? Was it a successful pregnancy?