Due 3/1, born 2/24.. Surprise Induction!

My 6lb 13oz beautiful baby boy was born 2/24. Went to my doctors appt 2/23 in the morning for my 39week appt and I've been having cardiac issues throughout my pregnancy due to no room for the baby and a lot of pressure on my heart. My episodes were starting to become more and more frequent so they decided to induce me after I was instructed to go to the hospital OB triage for further evaluation. Induction started the next morning at 6am when I had my first contraction. I had already started the process at 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. I was 4cm dilated by about 11 and already wanted pain medication. I wanted to go without epidural so I tried for morphine first... which I ended up being allergic to. That was a little scary, but benedryl helped. My contractions were super intense so I ended up opting for epidural. Got the epidural just in time because right afterwards my contractions ended up being a minute apart for a minute long. I could still feel my contractions coming and going even with the epidural, just felt uncomfortable in my vagina area. They lowered my pitocin to 6 because I was contracting so frequently. They checked me and I was 5cm, they broke my water. 10 mins later, I was begging for something for pain and felt like I had to poop so bad. They checked me and I was only 6cm. 10 mins later I was crying and shaking uncontrollably, even with the epidural. I was screaming I needed to push and they checked me and I was 10cm. It was only supppsed to be my husband in the room but my mom and MIL were in the room and it happened so fast that they just grabbed a leg and after pushing for 25 mins, and no tears, my beautiful baby boy was born! Definitely not how I pictured my Friday going, but he's such a perfect baby and I can't imagine it any differently!