what your story with breastfeeding?

Well we started out really rough for the first two months. Latching problems with tongue- tie, had two see two specialist for it. There were times there were good days and very bad  days between long waited appts. I developed bad case of mastitison my right side. I was on two meds for two weeks and once I finished them it turned into an abscess. I had to get my breast cut open and drain. I couldn't pump nor feed on that side because off opening location and on top off that I didn't want him nor near it because huge swollen pain.( I lots of pictures of it and how swollen even misshaped my breast) I had to express with my fingers in the shower. My milk supply took a hug dip from 2 oz to barely 1/2oz on my right size.
Once I healed and his tongue got clipped. Two months later we started to make progress.
We are finally at our ideal goal. The only thing I'm still struggling with today is my supply. I pump out a total of 2oz each pump session. I've tried almost everything and not much luck. ( open to any suggestions).
Now he 6 month old that take in 6oz. He a combo  baby. He happy to feed off of me and take a bottle right after. He at that point were he recognized mommy boobs and try to pull on my shirt. So cute lol
If I could get my supply up to at least 4 oz total or more. I be such a happy camper... I would do less formula.
I would like to continue to breast feed till he 1 years old at least.
We made it this far from hell and back.😉 my man say I'm a beast.... For going through it all and not giving up... Lol especially watching my breast being cut open.  I' m a medical person, I like surgery stuff.
That my story...