Can anyone help?


There's no picture but.... in October of 2016 I had a period on the 22nd but u was on a road trip for a week long so after that period I missed them for 3 months I missed my bc bc I had a Dr appointment with the obgyn and I couldn't get my pills in time to take or double up one day so I waited and waited and no period for 3 months I wasn't pregnant and have no stds and hiv/hpv/aids negative so I went back after 3 months bc I was concerned

He gave me a 10 day pill go start my period after 10 days I started but yesterday made 2 weeks with bleeding it's not normal period blood it's like just spotting discharge but it gets bad at times and cam be brown there's no symptoms that come with it but I'm worried

Also my period had stopped within 5 days and started again after rough sex... could it still be bleeding from something torn??