supply dropping to much???

My LO is now 10 days old. 
So after we left the hospital I had a very "bad" over supply. Even with additional pumping would only relieve them for an hour. 
I want to EBF my son, I cut out the pumping cold turkey (this is day 3 no pumping.) 
This morning was the first morning I wasn't engorged. 
I haven't had any pain at all today!
I'm worried that my supply might have dropped to much. 
My son is still eating an average of 15 minutes each side. I can tell there is less milk since we're no longer leaking through the shield. 
But this past feeding he was fussy after he ate unless I held him till he feel asleep. 
Could he still be hungry or is he just getting spoiled? If he was hungry wouldn't he continue to cry. 
This is my second baby, but first BF baby.