long term relationship + chores?

My BF is 30 and we've been together since he was 23 (7 years and counting). I'm 27. So we've been together our entire 20s. We made the decision to move in together about 1.5 years in, with the intentions of moving away from our hometown which we finally did 1.5 years ago. We hopped around from place to place and eventually did make a long distance move together. My issue is, every time we made a move I expressed any concerns I had outfront and he always promised adjustment or responsibility for household tasks and that he "sees" he was causing an issue with. My concerns are always the same, and basic tasks have always been on his list of household stuff: take out the trash, wash the dishes and walk the dogs (as of 2 years ago). I do all the cleaning and cooking, I historically pay all of the bills out of my bank account as he always brought in less and we used his income for "fun". Plus 7 years in he has a proven track record of poorly handling money.. I would not want to put my rent or credit in his hands, enough said...We both work FT 50-60 hours/week and take care of our 2 dogs. Totes adorbs and easy breezy for him, right? You'd think...now every time a responsibility is slacked on and it starts to negatively affect me, I will ask him "when" will be completed per his request, and he immediately snaps and and has an excuse...tells me I didn't remind him, or "I'll do it later" and it never gets done, or "it's not important". That's my favorite. I usually wind up living with the frustration of 7 day old trash in our apartment and dirtydishes piled up for days...if I do it for him, add that to the list of excuses he refuses to say are excuses....To him it is a control issue, he thinks I believe I am in control (for asking I guess? But he told me to ask) and now he is holding it against me, and the last thing I feel is control. If I were in control it would be going my way right? I feel trapped in my new home, where I'm supposed to feel happy and proud of our accomplishment moving halfway across the country with $0 to start brand new lives and "staying afloat". I worked hard for where I am at and where we are at....but I'm being called names, and being ignored and told I am wrong. Latest is that I'm being told what my emotions are, instead of him reading the situation he just explodes. I don't know what to do. We haven't had a civil conversation in a week and I am not the one presenting attitude or bias, I'm sure of it. I've had a lot of time to myself to think and analyze if you can tell. Any advice? TIA...