Last night around 11:30pm 27Feb2017) I went to L&D with awfully strong back contractions that we...

Last night around 11:30pm 27Feb2017) I went to L&D with awfully strong back contractions that were 5-6 minutes apart, he checked me and I was still at 2CM like I have been for weeks, so they gave me pain medince and sent me home around 1:30am on the 28th since I had my 38 week appointment later that day. So I got home and the pain medication helped me relax but a few hours later I was waking up with every contraction and they were getting stronger and stronger to the point of by 11am I couldn't sit still, move around, breath normally through each contraction. I got to my appointment at 1:30 and the nurse noticed I was having long contractions 3 minutes apart. My doctor came in and I was in tears telling her how bad they were and that I couldn't make it till my induction the following week, she checked me and two seconds after putting her hand in she goes "you're 4CM 100% effaced, and he's so low I don't know how you're walking. Let's go have this baby" so I head to L&D what is literally across the street and 15 min in they notice how strong my contractions are so she decided to check me because I kept yelling about pressure. She let me know I was already 7cm and again that he was low. They rushed the epidural and it worked for a few minutes but then the contractions quickly came back, he redid it and I felt amazing. At times I felt a small contraction but I didn't even react. They kept checking me but I was staying at 7CM so she decided to call my doctor to see if she wanted to give me meds to try and speed things up, she came in shortly after and decided to break my water. Another hour passes by and then I start getting real bad pressure in my butt with contractions so they checked me and told me I was at 10CM and we were gonna do practice pushes till my doctor got to the hospital. He moved down lower as we did the pushes and then my doctor showed up and we got to more pushing. Maybe about 15-20 minutes later I have a beautiful 5 pound 7 oz 18.7 inch long beautiful boy laying on my chest. I did skin to skin right away, I delayed cord clamped, I ended up cutting his cord since his father isn't in the picture I was told they've never had the mother cut it that they've seen, and then after an hour of skin to skin he quickly found his way to the boom and latched on right away with no guide or issues. He nursed till he fell asleep, we got him cleaned up with a bath and now he's asleep next to me, it's almost 4am and he's so peaceful and when I felt so lost and didn't know what else to do with myself, he's given me a reason to know now I have a reason to fight.