Didn't think it would happen this soon

My due date was February 27th but for 4 weeks I had been 1cm 50% effaced so we all thought I was going to have to be induced. I had an appointment on the 23rd and everything was the same so I went home and took a nap. I woke up with a strange pain in my lower abdomen, not cramps though. I rolled over and felt a trickle of fluid come out around 4pm. I knew in my head there was no way I peed myself but I couldn't believe it was my water. I got up to go to the bathroom and another small trickle cause out. I wanted to be positive it was my water so I laid back down for an hour got up again and there was another trickle. We decided to head to the hospital after I took a shower. By the time we got there at 8pm I was starting to feel a few contractions but nothing regular or exciting. When they checked me I had a bigger gush of fluid but I was still only 1cm dilated. Fortunately the nurse decided we could hold off on pitocin and see if my contractions would come more regularly. I started feeling them every 2 minutes and they were very painful but I couldn't see them on the monitor. Finally by 11pm I decided I needed an epidural. Once I got that I felt so much better. The nurse repositioned the monitor and it turns out I was contracting regularly and very strong so she checked me and I was 5cm and 90% without even needing pitocin :). At this point we just hung out and watched tv and waited for things to happen on their own. By 4am I was complete and the nurse called the doctor. We started pushing at 4:30 and Henry was born at 6:06am February 24th weighing 6 pounds 13 oz and 19.5 inches long. He is my world!