what should I do?

So I'm schedule to get induced Thursday morning because I have terrible seizures. BUT I've been in the hospital twice the past week because of high blood pressure. I'm extremely swollen, I've been having headaches and seeing stars. My moms a nurse and she's been checking my blood pressure and it's like 160/70 when she checks it so we will go to the hospital and it drops then we leave and goes up.. I'm worried I do have preeclampsia. They also found protein in my urine but I guess it just wasn't high enough to do anything about it? I'm really worried my medicine I take fo epilepsy interferes with my blood pressure, making it lower. Before I was pregnant and before all this started I always had really low blood pressure (around 95/40) it just started getting high in the past couple weeks. I will be 39 weeks on Thursday. I don't know if I should just wait to get induced then or be super worried and call my doctor for like the 30th time. lol I know everyone can get paranoid but I feel like I'm just having all the symptoms.