
So my car was stolen this morning between 6:30-6:40 while my fiancé turned it on to warm up in the 28 degree Idaho weather. I only have liability on the car. My fiancé has a Jeep but it is old and not very Volvo was our only reliable car....I am due in April, and we are a lower income family...I receive some food stamps but not many. Our pregnancy was unplanned but I love nothing more then our little girl. I just feel way over my head and depressed because I don't know how we are going to make it if they don't find my car or if it is totaled... I am already paying $600 back on the new brakes I put in it last month. I only work part time right now and the baby is coming soon...we have to pay off our couches and my engagement ring, which is almost done...and I have to make payments to the university for a semester of school my scholoship didn't work for....I feel like I'm drowning...I stopped taking my Prozac a LONG LONG time ago, but I feel myself pulling inward again and I'm perfectly fine with it....there is just a little part of my brain working that knows what I'm letting myself do and how it's not okay...I know I won't revert back to my habits of before because I love this little girl so much I would never do anything to harm her, I want 110% for her. (Recovered anorexia patient) I just don't feel good, and this kind of "don't feel good" is all to familiar and scary...