Visitors after baby is born

So me and my significant other are arguing about having visitors after the baby is born. Personally, I know myself and I know that I'm going to want some privacy and alone time with baby especially at the hospital and right after we get home. He basically said that it's not all about me and he wants his mom there as much as she wants to be. He even went so far to say that he would send her home at night (so that means she's staying all freaking day???)

No. I'm totally against this. Of course I want my family to come visit, but I'm going to be tired and in pain and recovering. I know I will want all the bonding time with baby that I can get. I want to set a limit on visitors. He doesnt. He thinks they have every right to be there and spend as much time as they want. PLUS his mom is a meth head and pill popper. I don't like her and I don't trust her. I'm not comfortable with her. Thank God he was raised by his wonderful grandparents and is not like her at all. But I don't want her there ALL THE TIME while I'm trying to bond with my first baby and recover in peace.

I think what pissed me off most was when he said she can hold the baby as much as she wants and can stay as long as she wants. No. That's not okay with me.

Am I wrong for feeling this way?