New Here.

So I am just shy of 300 lbs. I have two daughters who are 7 and 10. I was 220 pre pregnancy with my 10 year old and 240 with my 7 year old. It took me one month of TTC with both my girls. Now I have been TTC with number 3 for about a year now. For about 5 years i was having messed up AF. I finally got AF to come regularly (28 days) with the help of Vitex. I recently started tracking my ovulation and all came up negative. Told my doctor and he put me on clomid to bring on ovulation. I ovulated my first cycle at cd15 and then this month which is cycle 2 I keep taking ovulation tests all negative but all have a second line. Last month that didn't happen. I got only one day where I got two lines on an opk. Now I'm going on 10 days of two lines on opk. Well anyway I don't know if I have ovulated this month. So on top of that I started taking Hydroxycut Max For Women. I have no will power so I needed something. My husband got so excited yesterday when I took a hpt thinking this was finally it only to see it was a dye run that looked like a positive. My Dr has brought up to me about this being due to my weight why I'm having so many issues. So with all this being said what I want to know is if anyone else is going through this. I need some insight. Even stories.