Plus Size and TTC #2

Ashley • Proud wife, mom, bonus mom (step-mom), and physical therapist! Expecting baby #2 February 2018. Loving my hectic life!!
Hello everyone! My name is Ashley. Looking for some support and ladies to chat with as I begin the TTC journey for a second time. My husband and I welcomed our son Colton in October 2015. He is an active, all boy, generally happy, wild child. After his birth I suffered from PPD. As a result my weight spiraled out of control. I have always struggled with my weight so it is no surprise to me that PPD (in addition to some bed rest at the end of my pregnancy) lead to serious weight gain. I have been working hard and losing weight. I'm still classified as morbidly obese (5'2" 244lbs). I stopped birth control in January and FINALLY got my period today! I have never been so happy to see AF in my life. I plan to continue working on my weight loss journey until God chooses to bless us again. Nice to meet all of you ladies 😊❤