Idk what to do/think


Ok so my boyfriend has not been responding to any of my texts. He is on facebook, Instagram, and even looks at my snapchat story, but he still won't answer me. I see him at school everyday and I ask him why he hasn't been texting me back and he just says that his phone was dead or he was asleep. Idk what to think I don't want to over react about it and be that crazy girlfriend but it definitely starting to make me mad. I feel that he is egnoring me but idk why. I don't want to believe that he is cause he doesn't seem like that kind of person. But sad to say I've been crying for a few hrs now cause idk what to think or do. Am I overreacting??...

He just joined the track teem so that means he won't leave practice till 6. My curfew is 8 so it's not like I can go to his house afterwards or him come to mine. So during the week we can go see each other nor even the weekends because our families are busy and every other weekend he goes to his mom's and I go to my dads. I can't hang out with him then either cause we are too far apart to do that. When he starts to have track meets we won't be able to hang out either besides watching him.

I honestly don't know what to think rn I'm going to talk to him but idk what to say without sounding needy or controlling?

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