Stay at home wife...


I am a stay at home wife but I feel like I'm starting to get lazy tendencies.

I get all of my housework done before noon. Since I clean my house on a certain schedule it's spotless so the daily cleaning is super minimal.

Then I just sit on my phone until it's time to cook supper.

I am so over being lazy!

What do you guys all do in your spare time??

I do have a hobby of painting pallets but I like to do that of the evenings when my husband is home just because he likes to help and give me tips and such.

I garden in the spring but that honestly doesn't take up much of my time when you consider I have from 6am-5:30 every day.. I'm just struggling to figure out what to do. I just feel lazy! When people ask what I do all day I hate to tell them basically NOTHING!

we don't have kids so that obviously frees up tons of time :(

I don't have a job because I don't have to work. My husband is paid very well. He also likes coming home to a home cooked supper everyday and a house clean. He loves coming home and never needing anything. His clothes are washed. The bed is made. That's the way we like things. When I was working part time it was hard for me to beat him home to cook and clean and wash clothes. I was neglecting him and it just wasn't for us.