overweight and ttc

Okay ladies! Listen here. First of all, let me start this by saying when I started my journey to becoming pregnant i weighed 308 pounds. My doctor asked me to lose 10% of my weight before we started fertility treatments to try and conceive. Well....
3 months later, with help from a dietician (proper food intake and catering my protein and carb intake) but mostly pure sweat and hard work (2 hours a day 5-6 days a week) at the gym, I am down to a weight I haven't been in 2 YEARS! I have lost 50lbs!!
I've seen lots of posts about people saying their doctors shouldn't be worried about what they weigh when they are TTC but that's your doctors job! YOUR HEALTH! I know it's another bump in this long long journey that we all already on, but the risks associated with overweight pregnancy and birth are worth losing the 10%! I want to role model for my children and healthy lifestyle. I'm not saying skinny minis or anything, but being active and taking control of things you don't like about yourself. 
Love yourself ladies, but listen to your doctors. It's so important. YOU ARE IMPORTANT!