UTI, kidney Infection & low placenta...sheesh


So I'm posting for support and to plain old whine!!

2 weeks ago we had our Anatomy scan.. yay for baby girls! But they also saw I had a low lying placenta too close to the cervix. Another scan was scheduled for 4 weeks out. The pelvic pressure I've had since is no fun :-(

Then I started having crazy Braxton Hicks. Much earlier for me with this pregnancy vs my 2 boys!

On Tuesday I started having heavy cramping in lower abdomen following a LONG treatment with a large male patient. On Wednesday morning I could barely walk the cramps were soooo bad and shooting to my lower back. I got to work and started to get dizzy. So pretending like I was going to see my patients I went up to the L&D unit and asked for them to briefly monitor me to be sure the contractions weren't REAL at 22wk +3 days. Turns out...I have a UTI and Acute Kidney Infection. Andddd...it sux! Anyone else get both?

So besides feeling like I'm in constant prelabor I'm stressing over possible previa.

Besides venting/whining...I honestly wish to hear any ideas to relieve the kidney/low back pain. I drink abt a gallon of water a day, avoid sugar, carbs and spicy foods (which is a bummer) and have to pee 10x more than ever before...and I guzzle cranberry juice.

Any natural/herbal safe options?? Already on antibiotics.